tel.: +30 2286 071896
M.Mpotsari 6, Oia, Santorini
  • el

Safety First

Your safety is our obligation

All safety measures are observed in accordance with the Health Protocols regarding to Covid-19 with constant information and supervision of hygiene measures.
• Cleaning and disinfection reinforced procedure is applied daily in all common areas,tables and seats,POS etc, before and during the operation of the restaurant with certified non-toxic disinfectants.
• Antiseptics are available at the entrance,at all common areas and on the tables.
• Use of a mask by all staff while working and customers upon entering the restaurant.
• Maintaing safety distances between tables and seats and social distancing by floor marks .
• Disinfection of tables and Menus prior sitting.
• Contactless Payments
• Self Tests are done by our staff as required.
• Up to 6 guests per table.